Hello! Welcome to Seagull Coffee Edmonds, WA
Prime your mind with Seagull Coffee. We believe all coffee should be Organic, Fair Trade, or both... Free shipping on all USA orders.
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About Fair Trade Coffee:
Your rich cup of Fair Trade coffee can help farmers escape poverty. Most small-scale family farmers live in remote locations and lack access to credit, so they are vulnerable to middlemen who offer cash for their coffee at a fraction of its value. Fair Trade guarantees farmers a minimum price, and links farmers directly with importers, creating long-term sustainability. Through Fair Trade, farmers earn better incomes, allowing them to hold on to their land and invest in quality.
About Organic Coffee:
Organic coffee is coffee produced without the aid of artificial chemical substances, such as certain additives or some pesticides and herbicides. In other words Organic Coffee is a lot better for you. The video below is very interesting and explains a lot of the benefits of drinking organic coffee.
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